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Kalmar Medium Range Forklifts

Kalmar Forklifts - Light Range

The Kalmar medium range will challenge your expectations. It is a whole series of forklift trucks where power and precision combine to provide you with the best set of conditions possible for fast, safe and economical handling.

A robust design and finely-tuned drivelines lie at the foundation of these trucks' simple, smooth operation. Integrated intelligence and a whole series of selectable functions make it even easier for drivers to do their job while minimising the risk of damage to the goods being handled. The range of options available to you as a customer is huge, so that you can easily find the right truck for your needs and requirements. The trucks are built to the highest standards of quality and reliability, giving you everything you need for the best possible operating economy and long life.



DCG 60-6 DCG 70-6 DCG 75-6 DCG 80-6 DCG 80-9 DCG 90-6L
Lift Capacity (lbs) 13,200 15,400 16,500 17,600 17,600 19,800
Load Centre (in) 24 24 24 24 35 24
Overall Width (in) 79 79 79 79 79 79
Wheel Base (in) 96 96 102 102 110 110
Service weight (lbs) 19,840 21,385 23,150 23,800 25,800 24,900
Tires (in) 8,25-15 8,25-15 8,25-15 8,25-15 8,25-15 8,25-15

ECE 50-6 ECE 55-6 ECE 60-6 ECE 70-6 ECE 75-6 ECE 80-6 ECE 80-9 ECE 90-6L
Lift Capacity (lbs) 11,000 12,100 13,200 15,400 16,500 17,600 17,600 19,800
Load Centre (in) 24 24 24 24 24 24 35 24
Overall Width (in) 61 61 79 79 79 79 79 79
Wheel Base (in) 83 83 96 96 102 102 110 110
Service weight w/Battery (lbs) 18,500 19,400 19,850 21,400 23,150 23,800 25,800 24,900
Tires Front/Rear (in) 315*70-15
8,25-15 8,25-15 8,25-15 8,25-15 8,25-15 8,25-15

DCG 50-6HM DCG 55-6HM DCG 60-6HM DCG 70-6HM DCG 75-6 HM DCG 80-6HM DCG 80-9HM DCG 90-6HM
Lift Capacity (lbs) 11,000 12,100 13,200 15,400 16,500 17,600 17,600 19,800
Load Centre (in) 24 24 24 24 24 24 35 24
Overall Width (in) 61 61 79 79 79 79 79 79
Wheel Base (in) 83 83 96 96 102 102 110 110
Service weight (lbs) 18,500 19,400 19,850 21,400 23,150 23,800 25,800 24,900
Tires Front/Rear (in) 315*70-15
8,25-15 8,25-15 8,25-15 8,25-15 8,25-15 8,25-15

DCG 60-6HE DCG 70-6HE DCG 75-6HE DCG 80-6HE DCG 80-9HE DCG 90-6HE
Lift Capacity (lbs) 13,200 15,400 16,500 17,600 17,600 19,800
Load Centre (in) 24 24 24 24 35 24
Overall Width (in) 79 79 79 79 79 79
Wheel Base (in) 96 96 102 102 110 110
Service weight (lbs) 19,840 21,385 23,150 23,800 25,800 24,900
Tires (in) 8,25-15 8,25-15 8,25-15 8,25-15 8,25-15 8,25-15
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